Thursday, November 11, 2004

Please Go!!

I am reading news stories stating that some liberals are so distraught over the election results that they feel that this is no longer their America. Some are saying that they may leave the country and move to places like Canada and Euorpe.

My answer to those people who might feel that way is, "You are right. This not your America." The America that I believe in holds true to values such as faith, life and freedom. So Stop wringing your hands and threatening to move to Europe and just do it. Go live where you can commiserate with other malcontents across the Atlantic and feel good about bashing America.

We will see you in our wake as a united America continues to lead the world and be banner of freedom and truth for others to look to for hope.

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No, there is no anti-Israel Bias at the NY Times.

Recently the New York Times published an Op-Ed of a Palestinian who describes the deplorable conditions that he says exist in Israeli prison...